Need to see a provider but struggling to find the time? 许多初级保健、紧急护理和专科护理就诊可能符合远程医疗的条件! 了解更多 about telehealth options 在这里. 

质量、安全 & 病人的权利


质量 & 安全

The concept of "quality" isn't new in healthcare, but it is vitally important and something we strive to achieve every single day. Regulatory agencies and programs such as the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare 服务医疗保险星级评级Washington State Department of Health联合委员会 (TJC) 还有一些机构监测和调查了医疗保健质量活动,目的是不断提高所提供护理的可靠性和安全性.

在过去十年中, 通过TJC的《十大正规网赌软件》,对问责制的呼吁加强了对质量的关注, Institute of Medicine's report on medical errors, National 质量 Forum's endorsed safe practices, demand for value by healthcare purchasers, and the increasing understanding of the public we serve. 医疗保健的绩效指标也已扩大,包括患者满意度和成本等结果指标以及关键临床指标.

毫不奇怪,公众对医疗服务质量(即安全)的要求越来越高, 有效的, 以病人为中心, 及时的, 非常高效。, and equitable) matches our mission, vision, and values. 在十大正规网赌软件, we are working hard to improve clinical, service and financial outcomes by collecting, 趋势和响应性能度量,实施/改进基于证据的实践. 项目包括:

  • TJC核心指标(急性心肌梗死、心力衰竭、肺炎、妊娠指标)
  • 华盛顿州范围内的举措(PCI[经皮冠状动脉介入治疗]临床结果评估项目), 糖尿病协作)
  • Leapfrog Initiatives (National 患者安全 Goals, intensivists in critical care units, 高危患者术前预防性抗生素使用和β受体阻滞剂预防, deep venous thrombosis [DVT] prophylaxis)
  • Patient care services performance improvement (PCS PI) initiatives (patient safety, 药物管理, 疼痛管理, 和出院计划)
  • Patient satisfaction surveys
  • Staff and provider engagement surveys

十大正规网赌软件, 安全是我们的核心价值,提供优质的护理使我们能够为我们的社区提供最好的结果和客户服务. 正如我们的使命宣言所说,我们致力于“像照顾家人一样照顾我们的社区”." We take this challenge very seriously.


We consider you a partner in your hospital care. When you are well informed, 参与治疗决策,并与你的医生和其他健康专业人员公开沟通, you help make your care as 有效的 as possible. 十大正规网赌软件鼓励尊重每个人的个人喜好和价值观. It is our goal to assure that your rights as a patient are observed.

  • 如果您是聋人或不会说或听不懂英语,所有患者和家属都有权获得口译员.
  • All 病人 have a right to refuse a recommended treatment, to the extent permitted by law, and to be informed of the medical consequences of this action. 如果病人拒绝治疗或不遵循医生的建议,他们要为自己的行为负责.
  • All 病人 have the right to every consideration of privacy. 病人 are responsible for being considerate of the privacy of other 病人. 电话、电视、收音机和灯的使用方式应使他人感到愉快.
  • 所有患者都有权要求与他们的治疗有关的所有通信和记录都被视为机密, except in cases such as suspected abuse and public health hazards, when reporting is permitted or required by law.
  • 所有患者都有权接受尊重其个人价值观和信仰体系的周到护理. We ask our 病人 to be considerate and respectful of medical center personnel.
  • All 病人 have the right to examine and receive an explanation of their bill, regardless of the source of payment. 患者有责任提供处理索赔所需的信息,并及时支付账单.
  • 所有患者都有权了解适用于患者护理和行为的规章制度,并有责任遵守这些规章制度.
  • 所有患者都有权获得有关其治疗方案的解释,并有权在不了解治疗过程时要求进一步澄清. 病人 have the responsibility to cooperate in their treatment program.

病人的权利 and Responsibilities

Read our complete policies 在这里.


At 十大正规网赌软件, we respect our 病人' 隐私权.  

Making decisions regarding your healthcare

You have the right to make your own healthcare decisions. 然而, 当你无法表达自己的愿望时,明智的做法是做好准备,比如在手术中失去知觉或发生意外事故时. 建议的准备工作包括完成一份医疗保健持久授权书和一份医疗保健指令(a.k.a. 生活将). 了解更多  

2008年3月, State of Washington approved Initiative 1000, also known as the 尊严死亡法案. 十大正规网赌软件 respects the right of 病人 to make choices, 同时也承认医疗保健提供者有权参加针对I-1000的活动. 了解更多

What is the Ethics Committee and what do they do? 
The Ethics Committee is a multi-disciplinary team that includes 医生, 护士, 医院领导, 法律专家, 精神护理提供者, and members of the community. 伦理委员会就患者治疗过程中可能出现的道德或伦理问题向工作人员和患者提供建议. They also help to educate clinical staff about ethical issues, and create policies related to patient care.

How can I get the Ethics Committee involved in my care? 
病人护理小组的任何成员都可以要求伦理委员会进行伦理咨询. 病人,亲人,还有 legal surrogate decision makers 因为无法自己做决定的患者也可以要求进行道德咨询. 患者,亲人和法律代理决策者可以给伦理委员会发电子邮件 or call the Ethics Hotline at 425-690-4380.

伦理咨询时间为周一至周五上午8点至下午4点,十大正规网赌软件除外 假期. The Ethics consultants will respond to requests within one business day.

When is Ethics Consultation requested?
Some examples of when an Ethics Consult might be requested in a patient’s care are:

  • 如果担心患者的合法代理决策者没有根据患者之前的医疗保健需求为患者做出决定.
  • If a patient is refusing medical treatments that are required to survive, 但是他们的医疗保健提供者和/或病人的亲人担心病人不理解他们正在做的决定.

What happens during an ethics consult? 
在道德咨询期间,道德顾问收集有关情况的更多信息. 他们可能会和:

  • 病人,如果可能的话
  • 病人’s loved ones or legal surrogate decision makers
  • Members of the patient’s care team
  • Other people who know the patient, as appropriate

At completion of the ethics consultation the following take place:

  • 记录收集到的信息和伦理委员会指导的说明放在患者的电子病历中.
  • 病人, 他们所爱的人, 和/或法律代理决策者被告知道德委员会提供的指导
  • 患者护理小组的成员被告知伦理委员会提供的指导

What is the goal of an ethics consult?
The goal of ethics consultation is to support informed, deliberative decision making on the part of 病人, 家庭, 医生, 还有医疗团队. By helping to clarify ethical issues and values, 促进讨论, and providing expertise and educational resources, ethics consultants promote respect for the values, 需要, and interests of all participants, especially when t在这里 is disagreement or uncertainty about treatment decisions. (AMA Principles of Medical Ethics: IV,V)



如果您对十大正规网赌软件的护理质量有任何意见或担忧, 病人, 他们的家人, 国内合作伙伴, or legally authorized surrogate decision makers may contact a department directly, or submit your comments through our online 十大正规网赌软件 which will be routed to the appropriate department(s) for follow-up. If you wish to speak with our Patient Relations Manager directly, please call 425.690.3403 and leave your contact information. Your call will be returned as quickly as possible, and no later than two business days.

You may also submit compliments or concerns to the following:

Office of 质量 Monitoring
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181

Washington State Department of Health
奥林匹亚WA 98504-7857

Accountable Care Organization: Anonymous Reporting of Compliance Concerns
如果您对Valley Medical Group-Renton或Accountable Care Organization (ACO)的活动有任何合规性顾虑, submit an anonymous online reporting form 在这里

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